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I am taking this quiz for...

I am a...

Do you experience any of the symptoms below?

You may choose more than one.

Do you experience any of these urination symptoms?

You may choose more than one.

How would you describe your menstruation?

Are you experiencing difficulty in lactation?

Are you experiencing these symptoms?

You may choose more than one.

Do you experience any of these urination symptoms?

You may choose more than one.

Are you experiencing any of the symptoms?

You may choose more than one.

How would you describe your sleep in general?

Which of the following best describe your lifestyle habits?

You may choose more than one.

How would you describe your hair condition?

Which of the following match your condition?

You may choose more than one.

How long do you spend in front of a computer, smart phone, tablet or television?

Do you consume fruits and vegetables regularly?

Are you experiencing any of the below symptoms?

You may choose more than one.

How often do you experience gastrointestinal disturbances such as gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea?

What is your body BMI?

weight (kg) / height2 (m2)

How would you describe your skin condition?

How would you describe your joint condition?

You may choose more than one.

Which of the below describe you?

You may choose more than one.

Are you experiencing any of the below symptoms?

You may choose more than one.

How would you describe your kid’s appetite?

Is your kid’s cognitive performance a priority concern?

Does your kid suffer from eczema which causes dry, red or itchy skin?

How often does your kid catch a cold or flu?

Which flavour does your kid like?